Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Looking Forward to Mondays

So usually Mondays are one of the days I really look forward to. Yeah I know that sounds odd, but Mondays are usually the day when the amazing young Missionaries come by to see us and talk to us and try to help us along on this crazy journey we have started. Well this Monday, my Wife and I were simply too exhausted from driving a 1500+ mile round trip and supervising the moving of our furniture and such. (Thank you God for finally helping us get it done!) So this week, we rescheduled for Tuesday.
Our current Elder is flying solo right now because his companion returned home so on his last two trips, he has been accompanied by other people. Last Monday it was two amazing Elders from the Spanish Speaking Ward and this week, it was a High Priest that I had met several times before in what I lovingly call “Geezer Class.” Despite all his jokes about falling asleep and letting the Elder do all the talking, he engaged us in a spirited and lively conversation. This helped remind me of one of the things I find most amazing about the Mormon Church.
I always joke about how, since I was raised with the old fashioned Fire and Brimstone Preachers, that I find the opening service a little to quiet. People get up and they speak very seriously and passionately about the church and their lives, but it is always done so quietly. Majorly different from when I was growing up. The next section (Forgive me, still trying to remember all the terms) is a little better because it is usually filled with discussion and debate, but it is still kind of quiet. All of that changes when I head to the High Priests meeting,
Everyone I have met in the church so far has been filled with energy and joy, but nothing compares to the almost insane energy that flows when us older men get together. We talk, we joke and we hold incredibly lively discussions about whatever the subject is that Sunday. I see men probably in their 60s and 70s filled with an amazing force that boggles the mind. They have all been members of the Church for a very long time, but their excitement and joy is a bright and shining as if they had just found the way yesterday.
I have nothing but good things to say about the Elders and Sisters I have met so far. They are all bright examples of the way young people should be. However, they always seem so shy and even a little hesitant sometimes. Even those who were born into the Church seem to still be finding their way. I guess this makes sense because part of their mission is to explore and learn while teaching. They are growing in faith and courage every single day.
Not the guys from Geezer Class though. Oh no, these men are completely comfortable with their faith and discussing it. They shout the Word with pride and conviction. I just pray to Our Heavenly Father that one day, I can have the same conviction and courage that they do.

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