Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Final Exam Jitters times a 1000

So tomorrow night is the night we get interviewed by the Church to make sure that our Elders have been teaching us everything we need to know and understand before we take the huge plunge (A little Baptism Humor there.) and get Baptized on Saturday. Even though our Elders have been amazing and taught us so many incredible things, I find myself facing tomorrow with more than a little bit of trepidation.
Tests of any kind have always intimidated me and generally the more important the test is, the worse my fears become. Back in College, Mid Terms and Finals were fuel for the ulcer in my belly big time. It didn't matter how much I prepared for the tests or how well I knew the material, I was still nervous as heck. So you can imagine the level of nerves I am feeling right now.
Yes, I know if I “fail” the test, all that will happen is that it will take a little longer before we are Baptized. Yes, I know that this test is one with a nearly infinite number of “do-overs.” That still doesn't keep me from being nervous.
I mean, it is kind of like you are facing an entrance exam to the Coolest Club in the Universe. All the really great people are already members and the Club Rewards are literally out of this world. You have worked hard to get accepted into the club and it is all down to the final interview. Who wouldn't be more than a little bit nervous?
Our Elders, Sahagin, Brown and Elder Gates who has since returned home after helping us start our journey have been so patient with us and helped us so much that there are no words to describe the love that my Wife and I feel for them. They have spent many a long evening in our home patiently explaining scriptures and passages to us. They have worked so hard and I feel that I personally would not be where I am today without them. This is one of the few times where I truly wished I was wealthy because if I had the money, I would fly Elder Gates back to VA just so that he could be there to see all of the things he worked hard for come to pass. There is nothing I would love more than to see him standing beside the other Elders on Saturday night when we get Baptized.
So this interview is an acknowledgment of how hard the Elders and the other members of our Amazing Ward have worked (You too Stephanie!) to get us almost Home. Of course this only adds to the nervousness factor.
Still, I am confident that we are so very close to coming Home and I pray to Heavenly Father that he gives me the calm and courage I am going to need to Ace this final exam. Keep us in your prayers just in case.

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