Sunday, September 29, 2013

Food for thought

I missed church today. Now before somebody starts yelling at me, allow me to modify that statement. My wife and I missed our regular services because we drove to Leesburg to attend services with our wonderful friends the Gissemans. Stephanie's oldest daughter is about to leave on her Mission and today was the last day she would be speaking before her departure. Needless to say, we couldn't miss this for the world.
As we attended services I was struck with two ideas. I think the two ideas kind of best frame some of the brightest points in the Mormon Faith. The two concepts were: Family and Service. Some of the people I have mentioned the Mission to were astounded that Stephanie would allow her daughter to go to Honduras which is easily one of the most dangerous spots in the world. One person even said, “No Real Mother who loved her child would allow them to be sent into such danger.”
A part of me can understand these thoughts. The girl is going into dangerous lands with nothing more to protect her than some bug spray and her Book of Mormon. If something does happen to her, her family is a very long way off. It is a little scary to contemplate for me so I can only imagine how it is for her parents.
However, one of the most basic tenets of Mormonism is service. Service to God, Service to the Church and Service to your fellow man. There is nothing in any of those ideas that reads “Service when it is safe and comfortable for you.” People that seem like children to my ripe old age of 50 go to some of the most dangerous places in the world to serve the people that need their help and try to bring them closer to God. They do this with no hope of rewards greater than helping their fellow man and the joy that the service will bring.
As newly come to the Faith that I am, I often wonder of I can be so brave when the time comes for any children I have to serve. I like to think that I am and I pray that I will be if and when that time comes.
The other aspect I saw portrayed today was Family. Not just our blood family, but the extended spiritual family that has been gifted to us for our Faith. I had never been to Stephanie's Ward before today, but I was made to feel very welcome. Complete strangers came up to me and expressed their joy in having me there and were completely sincere in that joy. I was mildly miffed that the story of my near drowning during my Baptism had already spread, but took it in good spirits.
After services, I was treated to an amazing afternoon with Stephanie and her extended family. I was treated to laughter and funny stories and even some good natured teasing. I saw Generations of the same family seated at the dinner table celebrating the Mission and simply celebrating each other. It felt amazing.
I have so many things to give thanks for since beginning this Trek and it feels like each new week just gives me more and more reasons. I am grateful for all I have seen and learned and grateful for all the things to come.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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