Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Grinding away at my obstacles

After a visit list night from our amazing Elders Sahagun and Brown, I realized that I had failed to post a funny and somewhat spiritual story about what happened last Thursday when the Elders came over to give us our final briefing before the Baptism on Saturday. I thought it was funny and the Elders told me that they greatly enjoyed and appreciated what happened.
First of all a little bit of background. I LOVE coffee. I have been drinking it since I was 12 and never started a day without at least two mugs of it. Now let me clarify, I was not addicted to it because of its caffeine content. For caffeine, I am thoroughly addicted to Red Bulls and other energy drinks. I am working on that and that is another story entirely.
When we first started on this Trek, I very seriously told the Elders that I would take it as a sign from God that I was on the right track if I discovered a Coffee Substitute that tasted exactly like real coffee or else I knew I would be unable to give up Coffee as per Church instruction. There was also a little something about sugar free sour gummi worms too, but that is also another story. My wonderful wife looked far and wide for a non-coffee substitute, but I had little hope of her succeeding.
Finally just a month or so ago, she discovered an amazing “Herbal Coffee” Brand that contained absolutely no coffee but was made from Chicory, Malt and other sources. (http://teeccino.com/category/11/Herbal-Coffees.html) just in case any of you want to try it. They also have an extensive selection of Herbal Teas. So after a few trial and error attempts, I discovered two different types of Teeccino which taste exactly like coffee but contain no coffee beans at all. So I could still have my “Coffee” when ever I wanted and still obey Church Rules. Needless to say I was ecstatic. (As a side note, the “Coffee” is great because it supplies energy and taste naturally without caffeine or acids like coffee does so I can enjoy it any time of the day even right before bed without losing sleep.)
So on Thursday, just as they were about to leave, I asked the Elders if they would help me with something. I handed them my very large tin of coffee and asked them if they would like to take it downstairs and toss it in the trash can out back. You would have thought it was Christmas and I had just given them the best presents ever. They trotted downstairs and I watched as one held the trash can lid while the other gleefully flung the coffee tin into the trashcan. (I believe Sahagun held while Brown tossed, but I don't remember clearly.)
They later told me it was one of the best moments in their time here in VA. I was glad I could give them yet another chance to know just how much they have helped me with their love and support. I am still working on wanting coffee. Any time I pass by a Coffee Shop or walk past the coffee aisle in the Grocery Store I am tempted. However, I am greatly enjoying my Herbal Coffee and look forward to trying some of the other types. I guess it shows that even with the simplest of things, if you need him to God will show you a way.

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