Thursday, October 24, 2013

I just want to work.

I am facing a severe test of my recently rediscovered Faith right now. Part of me is truly struggling with all of the decisions we have made in the past few months and wondering just how things can possibly work out for us in the months to come. Right now, things do not look well and I am very much afraid that we will lose everything unless something just short of a miracle happens.
We knew that it was a potentially dangerous thing to do when we moved from Georgia to Woodbridge, VA. We had a house note there and were taking on a brand new house note here with absolutely no chance of selling the old house in GA. I had been unemployed for nearly 5 years in GA and knew that we would face serious hardships here in VA unless I could miraculously find some sort of employment here. We both agreed that, despite all of the possible issues, moving to Woodbridge was the best thing for our family.
Now after three months, I am worried. Despite my best efforts, I have yet to find any sort of job here. Our money is running short and within a few months we will be faced with some very real financial problems which could include losing one of our homes. I pray every day for some sort of guidance or help, but so far we are still struggling.
My Mother always used to say that “God never gives us an obstacle to big for us to overcome.” and I truly believe that, but I still worry. Everything in our future right now hinges on me finding a job, any job and so far I have found nothing.
The most frustrating part to me is the fact that I truly want to work. I don't care what kind of job I have or really how much it pays. I just want to work. Daddy taught us that a man who cannot work and take care of his family really isn't much of a man at all and I believe that is true. I am healthy, intelligent and willing to do any job anywhere, but I can't find a job. Before we moved it was annoying and inconvenient. Now with all of our new expenses and such, it is life threatening.
I am trying to have faith that things will work out. I keep praying for the strength to keep moving forward. It is selfish of me but I pray often for God to help me find a job, any job. So keep me in your prayers and maybe put in a few good words for me. God knows I need it.

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