Friday, October 11, 2013

A New Edition to the Trek

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, our dear friend Elder Sahagun has moved onto where he can help others the way he helped us. To say that we miss him very much would be the under statement of the century. Still we have the memories we have made with him and those will stick with me for a very long time.
Elder Brown brought over his new companion tonight, Elder Berg and we had a pleasant hour or so getting to know the new guy. I rarely go with first impressions, but my first overall impression of Berg is that he is a friendly and intelligent young man with an excellent sense of humor. He laughed at all of really bad jokes and actually seemed amused by them. Whether this means he thinks I am funny or was simply being polite, I still liked him for it.
I have always believed that you can tell a lot about people from the way that animals react to them. We own a cat who is very skittish and very seldom takes to people right away. With Elder Sahagun, the first time Ferrari met him, he adored him and stayed close to him whenever he was over. The cat's reaction to Elder Berg was practically identical. This tells me that Berg is probably a good man who can be trusted. I like having that foreknowledge.
So many amazing people have come into our lives since we began this Trek months ago. All of the amazing people of our Ward have made us feel loved and appreciated. Total strangers who had no reason to care for us or work to help us. I can honestly say that we would have not made it this far if not for the love and support of all of them.
Now God has brought a new person into our lives and I know deep down in my heart there is much he can teach us and hopefully a few things he can learn from us as well. I look forward to many interesting and uplifting weeks getting to know Elder Berg.

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