Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cake and soup= LOVE

As I mentioned in the last piece, I recently did some severe damage to my right big toe. It is healing very nicely and the pain is much less than it was the day after the accident. I want to thank all of my readers who sent me well wishes and prayers, they definitely helped.
So because of the pain medications I am on, I missed Church this last Sunday. I was very sad because I look forward to services every week, especially my Geezer Class with the other Old Timers in our Ward. I did send a text to our Elders and asked if they could stop by that evening to fill me in on what I missed and just to cheer me up. They texted back a perky “Sure!”
So that evening, I get a phone call from our marvelous Sister Missionaries asking if they could stop by and see how I was doing. I told them they were always welcome. So these two amazing young ladies showed up with huge smiles on their faces and a mondo chocolate cake in their hands. They stayed with us for about an hour cheering me up and talking about Faith. I was sad to see them go since I very rarely get to spend time with this incredible ladies, but they had to leave as the Elders showed up.
The Elders arrived with two cans of delicious chicken soup and the same smiles and upbeat nature the Sisters had brought. We spent an hour or so just talking and sharing. Needless to say, by the time they left, I was feeling much more cheerful and feeling an almost overwhelming sense of love.
That is one of the most amazing things I have noticed about pretty much everyone I have met since we began this journey. Mormons have an almost overwhelming sense of Community and Family that I find so very lacking in most of the world today. Everyone seems to truly care for one another even when they aren't members of the same community/Ward. I have a grocery list of health issues ranging from Severe Migraines to Diabetes and Weakened Immune System. Every time I am ill (Which occurs on a pretty regular basis) everyone from the Bishop down to the newest Elder does everything they can to make sure I am doing alright.
I am always hearing people say that kindness and compassion seem to be in short supply these days and the news reports you see every day seem to bear them out. However I am certain of one thing. Within my Family, there is a abundance of all of these things and more.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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