Monday, October 28, 2013

Breaking Bread

As I mentioned a couple of posts ago, I was recently ordained into the Priesthood and it is something I am incredibly excited about and a little overwhelmed by. So I thought I would at least get a few weeks to adjust to the idea and maybe calm down a little, but that didn't actually happen. Instead, the first chance they got, my friends in the Church pretty much thrust me onto the front lines in a manner of speaking.
So after missing the previous week's services because of my injured foot, (Also see previous post) I arrived at services Sunday with my amazing wife and sat down to wait for services to start. Not seconds after I sat down one of the young men of the Priesthood came up to me and asked if I wished to help prepare and pass out the Sacrament. I immediately said sure even though I was suddenly very very nervous.
Even though both of the young men who prepared with me were very supportive and even tried to relax me by making a few very quiet jokes, I was abjectly terrified the entire time I was up there. I was convinced I was going to mess everything up and doom everyone to ever lasting torment because they didn't receive proper Sacrament. Even though I was incredibly proud to be standing up there and doing such an important task, I can honestly say I have never been more relaxed as when it was all over and I could return to my seat.
Still, I guess this is just another aspect of just how quickly my life has been changed since we began this Trek months ago. To me, it seems like only days since we first started investigating and mere hours since we were Baptized. To be inducted into the Priesthood and to be given such responsibilities in so short a period of time just adds to that seemingly breakneck speed.
I am impossibly proud of the gifts and honors that have been given to me. The trust and faith that so many people have shown in someone that they barely know is overwhelming. I will do everything in my power to be worthy of all of it and will work as hard as I can to keep advancing along my Trek. I just hope I am worthy of what has been given to me.

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