Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Home Visit, Spirit Renewed.

Well last night was our first Home Teaching Night and it was a very interesting experience to say the least. Two of my buddies from my Geezer class showed up and spent an hour or so with me and my wonderful wife. We joked and we talked about pretty much everything under the sun. It was amazing.
The main reason I found it amazing is the same reason I find the Church itself so amazing. One of the things I have spoken about again and again both here and in testimony is how much the Church feels like a Family and a Home. Ever since we began this trek, my wife and I have been overwhelmed by the truest sense of love, support and welcome that we have been gifted with from pretty much everyone. Not just in our Ward but in elsewhere as well.
Everyone has heard someone ask, “So how are you doing?” before and knew that the person was just being polite. You knew that they really didn't care if you were suffering or in need, they just asked because it is something programmed into us by society. You knew that the moment they were out of your sight, their attention and concern drifted to other things.
Last night, my Friends asked, “Are you guys alright? Are you doing okay? Is there anything We can do to help?” I almost had tears in my eyes from the sheer sincerity and compassion radiating out from them as they asked these questions. You could tell that these weren't just stock questions asked in rote. When I answered them back with our problems and fears, I could see the concern and kindness in their eyes as they promised to do everything they could to help us.
I think that is one of my main fears when it comes to testimony for people who have no experiences with the Church and its members. How do you get across to these people just how amazing it all is and how loving everyone is? Most of them have had the same cynical and devestating experiences with the world at large that I have and, much like I was, have become hardened to any real chance at love and compassion. So how do you show them the miracle that is our Family? I am a Master of words and even I am intimidated by the job.
I am new to the Church and I still have my fears and doubts. We face many crisises in just a few short weeks that would terrify anyone. Logically I know that so many things could still go wrong and force us to make some very harsh decisions. I get scared every day. It is only my newly rediscovered Faith in God, His Son and this fantastic extended family that we miraculously found that keeps me believing that things will work out okay.
My Friends left us feeling much better and much richer in Faith with nothing more than some kind words, a few spiritual thoughts and their overwhelming love. I am a very Rich Man.

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