Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Even small miracles are still miracles.

I think it is funny that when you listen to people testify about everything that Heavenly Father has helped them with, you almost always hear about the big things. Relative passes and God gave the strength to endure and move on. A disaster happens to a family and God helps them survive and thrive. Don't get me wrong, these are important things and the fact that Heavenly Father is there to help should be a comfort to anyone. However, you almost never hear about the little ways that God has helped us in our lives. Maybe it is because the bigger things often times overshadow the small things, but you hardly hear about small things.
As I have mentioned in previous steps of this Trek, since my Wife and I started this amazing and oftentimes scary new journey, God has helped us and supported us in so many different ways from big to small. We still have a long way to go and a lot of obstacles both Worldly and Spiritually to overcome, but I am certain He will be there to help us just as he has in the past. Today was an excellent example of how he helps in the smallest of ways.
I own two wonderful, big and black goofy Labrador Mixes. For most of their life they have been outdoor dogs and never came inside. Mainly because they had been horribly abused as puppies before we rescued them and had never gained enough trust to let us take them inside. When we moved to VA, we decided to see if we could coax them into being mostly indoor dogs since they are getting on up there in years and the weather extremes here can be amazing.
Well, it didn't take much coaxing and now they are quite content to spend most of their days inside curled up on padded beds and relaxing in the AC. Course now we were faced with the task of twice a day, letting them out for a couple of hours so they could get exercise and go to the potty. For the most part, they have managed to make it till I let them out with a few accidents where one of them piddled on the floor. No major issue, I have a great carpet cleaning machine so I just clean up the stain and all is fine.
This morning, when I opened the door to the downstairs area, my nose was assaulted by a combined smell of detergent, urine and feces. Trust me when I say it is an unbelievable combination of odors. Apparently some time before I cam down to let them out, one of them managed to squeeze through the wall joists between their little room and the wash room. I am guessing she really needed to go BAD. I am pretty sure she tried to get through the closed doors, but finally did her business on the floor in front of the door.
Now, I have a temper and it is a pretty bad one. It usually takes a lot to set me off, but when I saw the poop pile on the floor then found Paula's Washing Liquid laying on the floor in the dog room with liquid everywhere because the bottle had cracked from the fall, I almost lost it. Never mind that the dog hadn't meant any harm and had been actually trying to be a good dog and get out to go the bathroom. All I saw was the mess and I was mad. I almost started yelling at my wonderful dogs who did not deserve to be yelled at.
Before I did something I would have regretted, I took a mental and emotional step backwards. I took a very deep breath and I prayed. It wasn't a complicated or deep prayer. I just said, “God, please help me move past this. No damage has been done. The dogs haven't been hurt. The mess can be cleaned up and most of the liquid can be salvaged. Please help me.” The moment I prayed, I felt completely relieved. I patted my lovely dogs and let them out for their romp and cleaned up the mess. Now half an hour or so later, I am completely relaxed with zero stress.
It is true that God helps us with all of the major problems we have in our lives and that is wonderful. More importantly to me, God is there for us even in the most minute thing. He doesn't just give us the strength we need when we Most need it. He gives us his strength constantly and I am forever grateful for that.

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