Wednesday, September 18, 2013

There will always be obstacles else life would hath no challenge.

My Momma always said, “When things are going good for you, the Devil will always try to hold you back.” Never have I seen that saying to be true than today. Suddenly, things are looking better for me and my family than they have in a very long time, but forces seemed determined to thwart it all and keep us down.
After being out of work for nearly 5 years now, I have received not one, but two job offers with respectable companies making a good salary. If I can get one of these jobs, we will finally be able to start crawling out from the money problems that have been plaguing us ever since I lost my job. Don't get me wrong, thanks to the brilliant and often times miraculous efforts of my Amazing Wife, we have never been in danger of losing our house or car nor have we ever been in danger of starving. Somehow she has managed to keep us afloat when so many people have gone under, but either of these new jobs will help us do more than just manage.
That's where the Devil steps in. All of my life, with maybe two exceptions, I have worked jobs that were basically shirt sleeves and jeans. I have usually worked with my hands and dressing for the job meant basically putting on a pair of jeans and a shirt. The only real suit I ever owned was the one I got married in and that was 12 inches and 120 lbs ago. So now, I have to dress Business Dress which means slacks, nice shirt, tie and a Jacket. The shirts I got thanks to Gifts of the Heart, same with ties. I own one pair of slacks and Zero jackets. See what I mean about the Devil stepping in?
If I can get this job, I can finally start giving back to our family. I can finally start helping pay the bills and such. To get the job, I need a new suit. To keep the job after I get it, I am going to need more slacks, Jackets etc. Unfortunately, to buy the things I need, I would need to get the jobs since our budget does not cover new clothes for me especially suits and jackets that can run hundreds of dollars. So God gives me gifts and the Devil does his best to steal them away.
Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. God has done so much for us ever since we started this journey that a few obstacles thrown in my way is not going to discourage me. At this point, I cannot see a way to get the things I need, but I am sure with God's help I will fins a way. I just have to take it one step at a time. I have come to far to falter now.

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