Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Doing all I can do

I am not a rich man and I will probably never very rich. I come from a long line of blue collar, hard working people most of whom never graduated from High School. My Father worked ten hours a day, five days a week for his entire life and my Mother did the same while raising a very large family. Odds are very good I will never be able to do some grand thing that changes the world or effects the lives of millions. My greatest talent is stringing words together to form narratives.
Having said this, there is one thing that I can do very well that can at least help out a few people. I can cook and I can feed people who are hungry. Heck I actually enjoy doing both immensely. So every Sunday, when the “Feed the Elders” sign up sheet is passed around, either me or my amazing wife sign up for at least two days, usually one for each set of Elders. I also tell the Elders that if there is any day where someone doesn't sign up for or has to cancel for some reason, they are free to stop by our house and eat. I always cook too much food, so there is always food available.
Now, my family's financial state is not the greatest in the world right now. Because of the expenses of the move from GA to VA, money is spread a little thin. However, no matter how short money may be, I can darn well provide food to these amazing young people who work so hard for the Church and its members. Making sure they have food to eat is the least I can do to repay them for all they have done for us.
Much of my attitude comes from my Mom and Dad. Growing up, we were often dirt poor. There were times where, if we had not lived on farms, we probably would have gone pretty hungry. However, there was never a time when my parents ever turned away anyone who was in need. If someone showed up cold and hungry, they got dragged in front of the fire and fed whatever was available. No thought went into this, it was just simply the way things were done. We were poor, but we could feed people.
The Elders and Sisters of our amazing Church do so very much for us. I wouldn't be where I am today spiritually if not for all of their patience and determination not to let an old sinner stay lost. I wish I could do so much more for them, but all I can do is make sure they always have enough food to eat. I just pray that it is enough to begin to repay them for the gifts they have given me.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen