Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Saying Goodbye is never easy.

I think that one of the most amazing things about my new life as a Mormon is getting to meet so many young and dedicated Missionaries. In the few short months that we have been a member of this family, we have had the honor of meeting a dozen or so dedicated young men and women who have left their homes and families to spend time in the outside world meeting and helping so many more families. The Elders and Sisters that I have had the honor of knowing have done so much for us and made us smile on many occasions. I can honestly say that we probably wouldn't have made this Trek without their wisdom, patience and sheer love of life.
Conversely, I also feel that the Missionaries are also one of the hardest things about being a Mormon. You welcome these amazing kids into your lives and make them part of your family. You share meals with them and listen to them as they try to teach you all the things you need to know. You learn to love each and everyone of them for the sparkling bright individuals that they are. You welcome them into your homes and hearts. Then, inevitably, they have to move on.
The life of a Missionary is one of change. They stay where they are needed for a short time and then they move to a new area where people might need them more. It is difficult to get so used to them being around, knowing full well that eventually they will be called to serve somewhere else. It is their mission to serve and they will go wherever they are needed.
I suppose the easy thing to do would be to not get attached. One could meet these young stars and not form any sort of connection to them. Listen to what they have to say and perhaps learn what they have to teach, but not really get to know them. Knowing human nature as I do, I am sure there are people out there who do just that. I guess it is the safer way to deal with the eventual loss when they leave.
Since we started this Trek last year, I have met a lot of interesting young men and women. Some I have gotten to know well enough, but a select few have truly touched me and my heart. They have become a part of my extended family and will always be a part of that family for as long as they wish to be. I made these attachments knowing very well that the day would come when they would move on, either to a new Mission or even back to their own homes. I knew it would sting when they had to leave, but I knew that not having known them would have hurt a lot less.
Recently I said goodbye to two dear friends, Elders Brown and Wray. They shared my heart, my home and my food. They made me laugh and smile. They taught me and made me think. They are now off in other areas helping people the way they helped us. I miss them and the house feels a little empty without them coming over on a weekly basis. I still wouldn't have missed knowing them and wish them the best. Whoever got them is extremely lucky.

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