Thursday, May 8, 2014

Learning while Teaching

     One of the things that I truly enjoy as a member of the Church is going on rides with the Missionaries as they visit the various families that they keep an eye on and give lessons too.  Every chance I get, I volunteer to drive them on Splits and really look forward to the trips whenever I get to go.  Besides watching the Missionaries work so hard at helping people, I have my own personal reason for going along.  I guess it could even be considered a selfish reason and I hope Heavenly Father has it in his heart to forgive me this one small bit of greed.
     When I ride along with the Elders on their weekly trips to visit Investigators or Members of the Church who haven't been as active, I find the chance to reacquaint myself with my own newly rediscovered Faith and it helps me strengthen my beliefs and my faith by watching others find their way to the Church and to God. 
     It has only been about nine months since my Wife and I were Baptized and officially joined the Church.  Heck it was only a few short months before that when we first started investigating so my faith is still a very new thing.  Even now, there are sometimes I question the choices we have made and the steps we have taken along this Trek back home to God.  I guess I wouldn't be human if I didn't have the occasional doubts.
     When I watch the Elders working with people who are struggling with the same worries and doubts that I had/have and slowly lead them through all of that fear and darkness, I find my own Faith and Beliefs strengthened and renewed.  When I see the Investigators learning and understanding, I grow in my own understanding of the Church and its many gifts.  Every person we talk to and every person they teach helps me become a better Christian and a better person.
     I have come a very long way in a very short period of time and the peace and hope the Church and God have given me is something that not even the greatest words can ever describe.  I struggle everyday to be worthy of the gifts that have been given to me and some days I fail.  I fight every day with doubts and fears and some days I lose that fight.  No matter how hard my struggles are, I always find my way back to my faith and am renewed every single time.  The trips I make with our Missionaries and the people we meet help give me the strength to fight those battles and find my way back home again. 
     The Missionaries are always so grateful when I drive them on their visits as if I am giving them the greatest gift in the world, but sometimes I wonder if they realize that it is they who are giving me the great gift?  I hope they know this.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sow what you would reap.

     I know I keep going on and on about how spectacular our Missionaries are and how much they enjoy helping every one they meet without expecting anything in return besides a smile and thanks.  Well today was the day that I set up the flower garden in front of our new house and two of our Elders came over to help me.  They showed up early in the morning and worked for several hours digging up the beds, planting the flowers and ground cover and then mulching everything and getting it neat.  I thought all of my readers might want to see them in action and see the results of their hard work.  Shout out to my Elders!  Great work guys!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Missionaries, the Best of Us.

     So you all have heard me go on and on about the amazing young men and women who are the Missionaries of our Church.  I have extolled how amazing they are and how much I admire them.  To me, the fact that these young people voluntarily leave their homes and family so that they can go where ever they are needed is astounding.  I sometimes wonder if I would have had that kind of courage when I was their age.
     Two things got me really pondering the Elders and Sisters who work so hard all of the time.  We had to say goodbye to two of our Elders since both members of the same duo were transferred today.  I think that is easily one of the hardest things about being Mormon and spending time with these incredible kids.  No matter how much you may wish otherwise, eventually they will have to leave.  You become incredibly attached to them in a very short period of time and then you have to say goodbye.  So Elders Garber and Anderson said goodbye today with hugs and pictures.  The other was the weekly blog from the amazing young girl in the pictures.
    She is the daughter of a very dear friend who is currently on her Mission a very very long way from home.  She is living in conditions that are a far cry from the ones that she experienced growing up.  (Cold water showers from a bucket.  Brrrrr.)  Given the almost insane level of entitlement so many young people have today with wanting the latest Iphone or the hottest new tablet, I think most people would be amazed that she would willingly give all that up for many months to leave her home and family so that she can help others.
     I jokingly tell people that even if one day I stopped believing in the Church and Heavenly Father, I would probably stay in the Mormon Church.  Even if I somehow came to feel that our Modern Prophet did not receive revelations from God, I would keep attending Church and doing everything I could to help.  
     The reason for this is that (and keep in mind I have had experiences with many different faiths over the decades) the Mormon People are some of the kindest, most loving people I have ever met.  They go out of their way over and over again doing everything they can to help people, even people not of their faith.  From almost the day they are born, they are taught that the best way to live a good life is to help others.  I see this everyday when ever I am with anyone of my Faith.
     I am new to the Faith.  It has been less than a year since my Wife and I were Baptized.  I admit that I have not seen everyone in the Church and I concede that there are probably Mormons out there who may be just as jaded and dishonest as the rest of the world.  Matter of fact, the law of averages pretty much promises that is true.  However, all of the people I HAVE met and all of the things that I have experienced so far along this Trek have been amazing and uplifting experiences.  I wouldn't trade a moment of it for anything in the world.
     As long as our Missionaries are among the first people that everyone meets we should be pretty well off.  As long as they are the ones that continue to be shining examples of our Church and Our Faith, I think the best examples will always be set.
     If you want to read about someone who is truly amazing, read Hermana Gisseman's Blog and you will truly be inspired.
I say these things in Jesus' Name