Saturday, January 11, 2014


     One of the many myths and misconceptions I often hear about when people talk about Mormons is that all Mormons are the same cookie cutter boring people.  They claim that the faith boils all individuality out of its members till they are all alike and think the same way.  When I hear this, all I can think is that they obviously haven't hung out with many Mormons.
     In the brief period of time we have been a part of the Mormon family I have met a mind boggling variety of personalities and attitudes.  The population of my Geezer Class alone would completely blow most people's minds.  I have met people who play online games such as World of Warcraft as a family and enjoyed two Dungeons and  Dragons games with other members of Church.
     I think the "problem" people have is that all they really see is the more visual members of the Church which are our Elders.  As a general rule they tend to dress a lot alike and since they always travel in twos people seem to think that all Mormons dress alike and act alike.
     Of course if any of these people would get to know they would know that even though they dress alike the Elders are about as different as any one can be.  These young men anhd women have diverse and dynamic personalities that are always a delight to be around.
     I guess the lesson people need to learn is get to know us before you judge us.  I have been a member of many different religions in the past so I can say with quite a bit of confidence that Mormons and the Church is easily one of the most racially and culturally diverse groups around.  One thing is for sure I am never bored.

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