Saturday, January 18, 2014

Aged wisdom from someone very young.

     I have this amazing young friend who has wisdom well beyond her two decades+.  I have had the honor being her friend for several years now and She is the main reason I still hold out  hope for the younger generations.  She questions everything and honestly seeks out and listens to the answers she gets.  She never accepts anything as "just is" no matter how easy it might be to accept things.  We lovingly call her Ma©T and conversations with her are never ever boring.
     Not that long ago, I introduced her to my long list of friends that I have known for the better part of three decades and I have seen their never ending amazement over the thoughts and ideas that she constantly puts forth.  She has sparked some of the astounding conversations that have caused the Older, more settled of us to throw up dozens of exclamation and question marks.  She has gained quite the fan club among us Geezers.
     Two of my friends, MA and BB are often times going at it over Religion VS Atheism with MA arguing the latter and BB arguing the former.  Today, Ma©T posted this brilliant piece of philosophy.  Keep in mind while you are reading it that she is only 21 years old.
     "I have been reading some of the things that MA and BB posts about religion and atheism including the post about how Bill Nye shouldn't debate the Creationism Man and I was thinking that maybe the problem isn't God VS Science, but maybe it is Creationism VS Evolution. People are always saying that believing in God is dumb because Creationism is "debunked" by Evolution. I think this kind of makes sense because a lot of the stuff in any Creation Story does sound kind of like people made up stories to explain what was happening kind of like the way a caveman would make up some story if he ever saw a light bulb come on. Early people didn't have the science to understand all of the things that were happening to them so they answered it the best they could. So Creationism and Evolution are dumb comparisons.
      Atheists keep saying that Science has proven that God doesn't exist, but that is not really true. Science has proven how things happened and even when they happened, but proving that the Universe was created a Zillion years ago by some particles getting really excited to be around each other doesn't prove that God isn't real. It just kind of proves that something went BANG a long time ago. Religious people could argue that Science hasn't proven that God doesn't exist, just that Scientists haven't looking in the right places yet.
      RSM calls me a Kid and I am not very old or very smart. I think if I understand it all right I am probably a Deist because I don't follow any religion. I love science especially space science and really really want to go there one day. I think that one day, Scientists are finally ask the right questions and when they find the answers to those questions, someone is going to be waiting for them."

      I could fill two blogs with the amazing discussion that this statement caused.  I will just tell you that the conversation between the lot of us with both born again Atheist and a Ordained Minister chiming in would make even the most devoted Unbeliever think again.
     Ma©T is right.  No matter what your faith is and no matter what name God uses when he speaks to you, the Universe is a grand and glorious place where everything from cells dividing to stars forming happens with a clockwork precision that could never have happened by accident.  God's hand is there for anyone who has the eyes to see and one day even the most dedicated Scientist will find God waiting for them when they are ready.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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