Monday, January 6, 2014

ROAKS or Random Acts Of Kindness

I have seen the above video link posted and reposted a dozen times and every time I watch the video, I just grin and feel better about myself and the world around me. Sure the video is a staged production done by at least semi-professional actors and actresses and does not show a scene in what most people would consider the real world. However, that little fact doesn't matter in the least because it is quite literally the thoughts and emotions behind the video that are important.
I have mentioned a E-Friend who played on the once excellent website, NeoPets with me and my wife who's main Avatar was known as Grannyweatherwax. She also went under the heading of ROAK which stood for Random Acts Of Kindness and once a month or so, she would randomly pick the names of other players and do some good deed for them. It might be helping them get an item they needed for a quest or buying them some really expensive (Neopoints not dollars) gift from the Neo Market. All she did was do her best to make other peoples' days a little bit brighter. When I asked her about, she told me that all you ever hear about are RAOV (or Random Acts Of Violence.) She said you hardly ever heard about the people who are kind to others. She told me that ROAK was her way of making sure people understood that there were good people out there.
Ever since that talk, I have really tried to my best to live up that idea. I really don't believe that doing something nice for some random person on the street will change the world or even be noticed by any number of people. However I do believe that one single random act of kindness may change Someone's world, even if it is only briefly. I also don't believe that every kind act you do will be returned to in some way other than feeling better about yourself, but as the video illustrates, it might just come back to you in ways you can never imagine.
As anyone who knows me will tell you (Oftentimes in very loud words) I am a bit of a jerk. I speak my mind and tell what I feel no matter who it might annoy or peeve off. I have made a career spanning 30 years of being “that Guy” who always stirs the hornets nest. I am the guy most “normal” people hate.
That being said, I have always been a firm believer that it is the small acts of kindness that cost us little that make the biggest differences. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars to make a person's life a little bit better. You don't have to give everything you have to brighten one person's day. Maybe if we all did a few Random Acts Of Kindness, then there might be just a few less RAOVs. What could it hurt to find out? A few seconds of your time? A few pennies out of your pocket? A little sweat off your brow? Give it a try, you might be surprised.
Brew Long and Prosper

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