Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Stand up and testify!

As I mentioned in previous blogs, I was recently blessed with the first job that I have had in over 5 years. While it was only a seasonal job lasting a few short weeks, it brought some much needed cash into the family and did a lot to restore some of my feelings of self worth. Even now that the job is over with, I still feel much better about myself than I had for a very long time. I thank God for giving me this gift every day.
While working at the Harry and David Kiosk in the mall I had some very unusual experiences and foremost among these were two chances to testify about all of the amazing things that have happened to me and my wife since we started this Trek months ago. I had conversations with two separate women, one young and one middle age about the Church of Latter Day Saints and how much it has done for my family. They asked questions and I did my very best to answer them. I even gave them the number for both sets of Elders we have even though they live in different cities since I figured that the Elders could at least set them on the right track if they were so interested.
Now, especially in the case of younger woman, I seriously doubt that anything may come of my testimony and answers. She loves her alcohol a bit too much and is obsessed with carnal relations. However, who is to say that the words I gave her last month might come back to her some day in the future when she is ready to hear them? Maybe one day, a Missionary will speak to her and she will remember what I said and be willing to listen to more. Only God knows for sure, but every word we speak about Heavenly Father and the Miracles he gives us is one more stone in the barrier against the Darkness.
While this was going on, I was struck with the thought that one can never be sure where or when they can be called to stand up and testify. We see people standing up and giving testimony all of the time during Fast Sunday and that is an amazing gift, but what about the times and places that might not be so comfortable for us to speak up. When we are surrounded by people who do not believe at we do and who may mock us for our beliefs.
As one newly come to the Faith, I am often times uncomfortable giving my testimony. I have yet to gather up my courage and stand in front of the Ward to speak. I see people who have been in the Church for their entire lives and who have grown old in God's service. I feel inadequate beside these amazing people since I have only recently discovered what they have known forever. So I am hesitant at times to speak out even in the comfort of my Ward Family.
Still, we are given chances every single day to testify with our words and our actions as to the incredible gifts God has given us. I was called to testify twice in a crowded mall filled with hundreds of people shopping for Christmas. It would have been easy for me to keep quiet, but I had the courage to stand up and speak.
So whenever and wherever God calls upon us to testify, we should never be afraid to step up and speak our minds and our faith. We are fortunate to lived in a country and an age where we are free to speak of beliefs without fear of persecution. So many of our forerunners did not have that freedom and still testified. They often times suffered pain and even death for their faith, but they spoke anyway. Can we do any less?

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